About Me

Who Am I?

Hi, my name is Binay Rijal and I'm currently a Junior in Computer Science at Virginia Tech. I'm certainly not a full fledged developer quite yet but I'm hoping to get there some day.

The eventual dream is working at either JPL, NASA Goddard, SpaceX, Google, Boston Dynamics or somewhere else that I can make a contribution to well... us... in some capacity. I've got a decent amount of skills as a software developer but I am absolutely always looking to learn more.

If I find something I feel I can do, I'm bound to give a try. That's what this website will probably be.

This means I'll make programs that do anything from create discord bots that help friends find time to queue for games, to making a script to help a friend find a Youtube video by searching for a specific quote, or working on undergraduate research projects about planes with flapping wings.

Feel free to add me on LinkedIn or peruse my repo on GitHub!


From working on a variety of different projects, I've got a decent amount experience in:

I've got an okay amount of experience in the following:

Plus, I have a decent amount of experience working on various different libraries and frameworks:


A decent amount of my experience comes from various different extracirriculars and experiences I've had.

Rocketry At Virginia Tech

Rocketry at Virginia Tech is a student design team centered around the Spaceport America Cup competition. During my time there, the team competed in the 10.000ft competition. During this competition, the goal would be to get as close to 10k feet as close as possible.

The software team specifically worked on creating the scripts that would control our hybrid motor. This system utilized ROS and Python and worked with circuitry created by the propulsion team. These circuits then controlled various different components like a motorized control valve, a linear actuator, and a solenoid.

For more information about the team, check out the Rocketry at Virignia Tech website.

Unmanned Dihedral Aerial Vehicle Undergraduate Research

During my time at Virginia Tech, I worked with a team of students that worked on researching the capabilities of changing dihedral angles in unmammned vehicles. For this project, we worked on modifying a basic FliteTest Guinnea Pig airframe. Pictured above is the basic unmodified version.

The system used a commercial Cube Orange flight controller using the PIXHAWK framework, and a basic DX6 transmitter and reciever setup to control the aircraft in flight.

For specifically controlling the dihedral angle, we utlized a Raspberry PI co-computer that could change the angle of our actuation servo based on RC inputs from our transmitter.

NASA Goddard Spring 2022 Internship

More Information To Be Added