
This will just contain a few of the highlights of my photography but for more information on how I approach photography, including the various different tools, cameras, and/or software I use -- I'll have a blog post dedicated to it.

However, not all my photos will make it here. More likely than not you can find most of my photos on my Instagram account.

"Orion Nebula and More"

This one turned out slightly better! (We're ignoring that I took this one even before the other one...)

"Andromeda Galaxy and the slightly Milky Way"

Sadly you can definitely see the stacking because I didn't properly get my dark and base frames.

"I Do More than Astrophotography, I Promise!"

This is one of my earlier shots I managed to get. I don't think I've seen this person around here since that day either!

"Airplanes in the Night Sky"

To Quote a Friend: "Nice vid trash song"